Schusswaffen aus fünf Jahrhunderten

| 53 2033 wölber Fingerbügel. Vol lschäftung aus Buchenholz(?), mit eiserner Kolbenkappe, Nase und Ladestockröhrchen aus Messing. Eingeschobener hölzerner Ladestock mit Messingdopper. Länge 165 cm. Seltene militärische Waffe aus der Zeit des 20-jährigen Krieges. Aus Kostengründen wurde damals die Infanterie fast ausschließ­ lich mit Luntenschlossgewehren ausgestattet, die deutlich teureren Radschlossmusketen wurden nur in kleiner Zahl für Nachtwachen und Spezialeinheiten gefertigt. A light German military wheellock musket, circa 1630 The slender, round barrel with smooth bore in 16 mm calibre. Dovetailed brass sights, an illegible mark and “TK” struck at the breech. The lock fitted with an external wheel, the lock plate with an unidentified master’s mark. The pan with a sliding lid. The trigger with a safety lever, domed finger rests. The full stock possibly made of beech with an iron butt cap, the forend tip and ramrod pipes made of brass. Wooden ramrod with brass tip. Length 165 cm. Rare military weapon dating from the time of the Thirty Years’ War. To keep cost down, the infantry was almost exclusively issued match- lock guns, while only a small number of the significantly more expensive wheellock muskets were produced for night watchmen and special forces. 295297 II + € 5.000