Antike Waffen und Rüstungen aus aller Welt

| 79 Two narrower plates attached at each of the sides, followed by three rows of overlapping discs on the back. The inside of the right breast- plate bearing a two-line inscription in Hindi, engraved with “Darvish Sahib” in Devanagari script on the outside. The chain mail without any visible defects, the plates somewhat pati- nated and filmed with rust in places on the in- side. Height circa 73 cm, weight 9.6 kg. There are two, very similar mail coats in the Khalili Collection (Alexander 1992, page 160, no. 100) and in Ricketts and Missilier, Par- is 1988, page 85, no. 141, both of which are signed “Darvish Sahib”. 276286 II € 3.600 4088 Schweres Kettenhemd, Indien, 17. Jhdt. Aus unterschiedlich großen Eisenringen ver- nietetes, vorderseitig verschließbares Ket- tenhemd mit langen Ärmeln, kurzem Schoß und Rückenschlitz. Auf der Vorderseite und seitlich eingearbeitete Platten mit vier auf- genieteten Verschlüssen, am Rücken drei Reihen übereinanderliegende schmale Eisen- plättchen. Oberflächen patiniert und geölt, sonst guter Zustand ohne größere Fehlstellen, durch Reinigung gut zu verbessern. Länge ca. 80 cm, Gewicht 11,2 kg. A heavy Indian coat of mail, 17th century The coat of mail made of different sized, riv- eted iron rings, fastening at the front, with long sleeves, a short back flap and a back slit. Plates with four riveted closures integrated at the front and sides, three overlapping rows of small, narrow iron plates on the back. The sur- faces patinated and oiled, otherwise in good condition with no major imperfections, can easily be improved by cleaning. Length ap- prox. 80 cm, weight 11.2 kg. 271781 II - € 1.600 4088