Kunst und Kunsthandwerk, Antiken

316 | Der Schreibtisch ist abgebildet in: Dekorative Kunst, Sonderheft: Ar- chitekt Paul Ludwig Troost – München. Das Haus Chillingworth in Nürnberg. 13. Jahrgang. Nr. 5., 19. Februar (19)10. F. Bruckmann AG. München. S. 233-234. Paul Ludwig Troost (1878 – 1934) war ein bedeutender deutscher Ar- chitekt und Innenarchitekt. Er war Mitglied im Deutschen Werkbund und machte sich als Innenarchitekt mehrerer großer Schnelldampfer des Norddeutschen Lloyds einen Namen. Zu seinen bekanntesten Arbeiten als Architekt gehört wohl das heutige „Haus der Kunst“ in München. Durch seinen „Dampferstil“ und Entwürfe eines monumen- talisierten Art déco-Stils zählt er zu den stilprägendsten Designern seiner Zeit. Posthum wurde er mit dem 1937 gestifteten Deutschen Nationalpreis für Kunst und Wissenschaft geehrt. Dieser Preis wurde insgesamt nur neunmal verliehen. An imposing desk belonging to Paul Ludwig Troost (*1878 Elberfeld; †1934 Munich) from the master’s study in Villa Chillingworth in Nuremberg Free-standing. The accurately geometric body made of oak and soft- wood, veneered in American walnut, with some inlays and partially ebonised, lavishly carved in places. Mounted on eight tapering feet. The generous seating recess flanked by two cuboid compartments, each with a heavily carved door after models by Joseph Wackerle (1880 – 1959). Behind which a prospect with several drawers, some veneered from the inside. Continuous grooved decoration and mag- nificent carving, also modelled on designs by Wackerle. An overhang- ing writing surface on the top, with gold-embossed leather and deli- cately carved gallery. Iron and brass locks, brass bands. Delightfully established patina in lovely condition. Showing slight traces of age and use. Minimally restored. 82 x 172 x 90 cm. The desk is illustrated in Dekorative Kunst, special edition on Ar- chitekt Paul Ludwig Troost – München. Das Haus Chillingworth in Nürnberg. 13th year, no. 5, 19 February (19)10. F. Bruckmann AG. Munich pp. 233-234. Paul Ludwig Troost (1878 – 1934) was a prestigious German architect and interior designer. A member of the Deutscher Werkbund (Ger- man Association of Craftsmen), he established his reputation as an interior designer with several fast steamers of the North German Lloyd. His most famous architectural works probably include the modern “Haus der Kunst” in Munich. His “steamship style” and de- signs for a monumentalised art déco style made him one the most in- fluential designers of his time. He was posthumously honoured with the German National Prize for Art and Science, instituted in 1937. The prize was only awarded nine times in total. 269031 II + € 15.000