Kunst und Kunsthandwerk, Antiken

148 | A fabulous Austrian goblet carved with hunting motifs, from the workshop of Johann Rint (*1814 Kuks; †1900 Linz), Linz, last third of the 19th century Selected boxwood, fully sculptured in the style of delicate miniature carving, partially open- worked and engraved. Mounted on a round pedestal with a continuous, partially con- toured frieze of laurel leaves. The base carved with foliage and roots. The connecting shaft carved in openwork in the shape of natura­ listic, broad-leaved trees. These flanked by three stylised dolphins, set slightly forwards, with gaping mouths, revealing their numerous teeth. The abundant foliage sumptuously and gracefully crafted, likewise in fine openwork. The finial shaped like a trophy with foil-curved panels. Upon which, two cartouche-like, multi-figured scenes from the legend of Diana, facing each other. Both framed by tendrils and foliage, one featuring Diana in her chariot, accompanied by cupids, and the other showing Diana with her entourage on a hill, a hunter at rest with his hound in the foreground. An un­ identified, small engraving on the inside of the base. Minimal signs of age. Dimensions 20.5 x 15.7 x 10.7 cm. Literature: Meinrad Maria Grewenig (editor): Macht & Pracht, Europas Glanz im 19. Jahr­ hundert, Neustadt 2006. See the finely crafted musician’s trophy by Rint, illustrated on p.120 and 121. Johann Rint was regarded as one of Austria’s most outstanding 19th century artisans. He specialised first and foremost in carving mini­ atures, with his striking, delicate works soon attracting the attention of the nobility. For ex- ample, he was commissioned to create a hunt- ing cup for Baron Mecséry and what was known as the Kaiserbecher for Sissi/Empress Elisabeth of Austria. He was appointed court carver in 1865. To this days, his works can be found in major museums in Austria, such as the Belvedere in Vienna. 269075 I - II € 20.000