
und junger Mann mit Stangenglas. Eiserner Abzugsbügel, hölzerner Ladestock mit gra­ viertem Beindopper. Länge 122 cm. Außergewöhnlich hochwertig verbeintes Gewehr in gutem, unberührtem Erhaltungs­ zustand. A southern German deluxe wheellock rifle with rich bone veneer, circa 1570 Slightly tapered, octagonal barrel, the muzzle with eight facets, smooth bore in 10.5 mm cal- side plate hunting scene with bear, on the cheeck piece horse-mounted Landsknecht with wheel- lock pistol fighting against a Turk with bow. On the bottom four figures, huntsman with dog, Turk, depiction of Lucretia and young man with tall beaker. Iron trigger guard, wooden ramrod with engraved bone tip. Length 122 cm. Rifle with bone veneer of unusually high qual- ity in good, untouched condition. 261774 II + € 25.000 ibre. Iron front sight, at the breech grooved rear sight. Finely engraved scrollwork at the muzzle and barrel base (partly rubbed). Lock with ex- ternal wheel. Cut springs, engraved wheel cover of brass, spring-loaded safety lever. Pan with spring-loaded cover and release button, the cock slightly bent. Walnut full stock profusely inlaid with engraved and blackened bone. On the sides running dogs and game, the lid of the patch box with depiction of Fortuna. On the | 29