Kunst & Kunsthandwerk, Antiken

6 | Aus unserem Katalog „Cabinet des curiosités” From our catalogue “Cabinet des curiosités” Lot 2835 Große Champlevé-Bild- platte im Stil des 12./13. Jhdts., Limoges. A large champlevé picture panel in the style of the 12th/13th century, Limoges. Lot 2813 Kopfreliquiar des Heiligen Stephans von Muret, Frankreich, 19. Jhdt. A French head reliquary of Saint Stephen of Muret, 19th century. Lot 3017 Aquamanile in Pferdeform, Historismus im Stil des frühen 15. Jhdts. A horse-shaped aquamanile, historicism in the style of the early 15th century. Lot 2818 Silberne, vergoldete Monstranz, Frankreich, Historismus im Stil des 15. Jhdts. A French silver-gilt monstrance, historicism in the style of the 15th century. Lot 2955 Bügeleisen, Frankreich, um 1700. A French flat iron, circa 1700.