Die kaiserliche Armee in Feldgrau

8 | CONDI T IONS OF SALE The auction process shall be subject to our General Auction Terms and Conditions. These terms form an integral part of the resulting contracts. The General Auction Terms and Conditions are listed here¬inafter and displayed in the auc- tion room. Both by taking part in the auction and by submit¬ting bids, you agree to accept the General Auction Terms and Conditions. GENERAL AUCTION TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Hermann Historica GmbH (hereinafter referred to as the Auctioneer) shall carry out the auction as an intermediary in the name of and for the account of third parties, as a commis- sion agent in its own name and on behalf of consignors, or in its own name and for its own account. 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The Auctioneer is authorised to retract his acceptance of the bid and award the lot immediately in favour of a particular bid- der at his discretion or to offer the object again if a higher bid made at the right time was erroneously overlooked or if any doubts arise regarding the sale. If the highest bidder wishes to withdraw his bid, the Auctioneer is entitled to accept his bid nevertheless with all consequent rights; however, he may also accept the second highest bid offered or repeat the whole call. At the bidders’ request, any lot that initially remained unsold may be offered again and sold during the day of the auction, or may be transferred into a subsequent online-only auction. 5. The successful bidder is obligated to pay the purchase price to the Auctioneer. The Auctioneer is authorised by the con- signor to assert his rights arising from the sale. Prospective buyers submit bids in their own name and for their own account. 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As a consequence, a minimum charge of €25 will be added to the invoice amount, along with any payment reminder and/or col- lection fees incurred. At the same time, interest shall accrue at 5% above the base rate p.a. Should the buyer fail to meet his payment obligations, despite receiving a reminder, he shall be liable for the damage caused by his default. If the Auctioneer asserts his right to compensation for non-perfor¬mance under section 326 BGB (German Civil Code), he is entitled to offer the item for auction again at a later date. Once another buyer is found, all rights granted to the previous buyer shall expire. If the lot is resold, the previous buyer shall be regarded as the consignor and is therefore liable to recompense the Auctioneer’s services; fees to the amount of 20% (incl. VAT) for lots with a hammer price of €300 and above, or 30% (incl. 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If the purchased items are not collected, the Auctioneer is entitled at his discretion to store the auctioned objects at his business premises or at the premises of a third party or to ship them to the buyer, including by cash on deliv- ery. In case of storage at the Auctioneer’s premises, the items shall be stored at the buyer’s own expense and risk from the time his bid is accepted. Storage fees are charged at 0.7% of the total purchase price incl. VAT per calendar month or part thereof. Any third-party storage shall be in the name, at the expense and risk of the buyer. Storage of firearms requiring official authorisation, which are subject to a special duty of safekeeping, is charged as a lump sum of €10 per weapon per month. In cases where the buyer is located abroad and import/export permits are required, storage fees will only be charged from the end of the third month after completion of the sale. If sold lots are not collected within a period of 12 months, two collection reminders notwithstanding, the Auctioneer reserves the right to offer these objects for auc- tion once again at the expense and risk of the buyer. In this case, the buyer is regarded as a consignor. Consignment fees, interest, storage costs and other expenses shall be deducted from the proceeds of the auction. Shipping shall be effected at the buyer’s risk and expense. At the buyer’s expense, the Auctioneer shall insure the objects for shipment against the usual transport risks. The buyer undertakes to report any discernible damage to the packaging to both the forwarding