Antike Waffen & Rüstungen

62 | An Ottoman silver-mounted and nielloed, gold-inlaid kilij with a nephrite grip, 2nd half of the 17th century The early, single-edged blade from the 16th century, made of finely figured wootz-Damascus and broadening slightly at the double- edged point. Gold-inlaid leafy vines, a script ornament and the si- gnature (tr.) “Made by Hajji Sunqur” on the obverse. The florally nielloed quillons in silver, fire-gilt on the lower surface, the riveted grip scales in green nephrite with an engraved, gilt grip strap and three garnets set in gold on the obverse. Original wooden scabbard covered in shagreen leather with silver fittings en suite to the quillons, fire-gilt and floral nielloed on the lower surface on both sides. Length 89.5 cm. Unusually magnificent and beautifully preserved kilij from the period of the Turkish Wars. Similar weapons may be found in the Türckische Cammer in Dresden and the “Turkish booty” in Friedrichstein Castle, Bad Wildungen, near Kassel. 262187 II € 60.000