Antike Waffen & Rüstungen

236 | nings with narrow outwardly turned flanges. On the chest two eyelets for shoulder strap fastening. Bullet-proof backplate with test mark. Complete arm defences, the large pauldrons sliding on seven lames. Closed upper cannons with ridged couters and hinged lower cannons. Articulated gauntlets with metacarpi sliding on four lames. Attached finger scales and thumb plates. Tassets of fourteen lames with ridged, three-lame poleyns. Height ca. 130 cm. Elegant, homogenous suit of armour, leather and blackening renewed. 261390 II € 30.000 A French cuirassier’s black and white armour, circa 1620 The helmet with two-piece hammered skull rising to a slender turned and roped comb. Iron plume socket riveted to the nape. Pivoted pointed peak with attached, ridged bar visor. Pivoted bevor with lateral spring- loaded lock button. Riveted gorget plates with surrounding brass plated lining rivets. Twisted and turned flange. Hinged gorget with two neck lames. The upper lame with robust inward- ly turned flange. Bullet-proof breastplate with a medial ridge slightly drawn-out at the front, on the left side of the chest a bullet test mark. Neck and arm ope-