A102 Orden und Militaria bis 1918

| 367 werden und diente im K.B. 1. Schweren Reiter-Regiment in München. 1916 wurde er in Russland schwer verletzt und verlor das linke Auge. Nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg war er Oberst der Wehrmacht und in der Spionageabwehr tätig. Er gehörte zum engsten Kreis der Verschwörer um von Stauffenberg und wurde nach dem 20. Juli 1944 zum Tode verurteilt und hingerichtet. Hochinteressantes Album von historischer Bedeutung. Rudolf Graf von Marogna-Redwitz (1886 - 1944) - a photograph album, primarily Royal Bavarian 1st Heavy Cavalry Regiment, from 1904 onwards A total of approximately 140 photographs in black and white (dimensions 6 x 4 to 16 x 10 cm) mounted in photo corners, frequently captioned. Among them Cadet and War Academy 1906 – 1909, equestrian school, hunt, manoeuvre, riding competition 1911, swimming exercises near Wasserburg, spring parades 1913/1914, traditional Garde du Corps event with Prince Alfons, funeral of Prince Leopold 1930, Prince Heinrich of Bavaria, son Alfons von Redwitz 1960. A contemporary photograph printout 1914, five colour prints with historic equestrian uniforms, twelve picture postcards (equestrian motifs), four menus etc. In an old album (dimensions 20 x 26 x 3 cm) covered with brown-green linen, on the insice of the album cover an old owner’s note concerning Redwitz. A few photographs are missing. Slightly damaged in places, traces of age. Although musically inclined, Rudolf von Marogna-Redwitz had to follow the family tradition and become an officer. He served in the Royal Bavarian 1st Heavy Cavalry Regiment in Munich. In 1916, he was severely injured in Russia and lost his left eye. After World War I, he was Colonel of the Wehrmacht and served in the counterintelligence unit. He belonged to the close circle of conspirators around von Stauffenberg. After 20 July 1944, he was sentenced to death and executed.Highly interesting album of historic significance. 325717 II € 800 609 610