A102 Kunst, Antiquitäten & Antiken

| 89 4126 is still in place. The shallow eye cut-outs with a nasal attached above them are typical of late Roman helmets of the Der-el-Medineh type, which have partly similar but generally different construction principles. The early Byzantine clasp helmets of the late 5th to 6th century also have shallow eye cut-outs with only a hint of a nasal. The sides of the rim band have a series of perforations for attaching a helmet lining. In addition to the nasal, two cheek flaps have also survived, although both have been heavily restored and stabilised with synthetic resin, especially the left cheek flap. Nevertheless, both are well preserved in their outline shape with the perforations running around the edge. These perforations were also used to attach the helmet to a helmet lining, which also connected the cheek flap and skull instead of a hinge. A typical design feature for late Roman helmets of the 4th century. The back of the cheek flaps runs straight, the front with an obtuse angle that breaks in the upper part of the cheek flap. Length of the helmet 22.5 cm. Width 18.3 cm. Height 17 cm. Height of the cheek pieces 12 cm. Surface with slight corrosion pitting. In overall excellent condition with clearly visible technical details. Preserved height of the nasal 7.5 cm. Extremely rare late antique helmet, unique in its completeness of the individual parts and components present, which expands our knowledge of the construction of previously known banded helmets, including several features only clearly recognisable on this helmet for the first time. It is a type of late antique helmet that was certainly produced in the late Roman Empire and whose isolated occurrence in non-Roman contexts can be regarded as a Mediterranean export. The exact date of these helmets between the late 5th and 6th centuries still requires further research. It can be assumed that this helmet type has chronological overlaps with other late antique helmet types and existed at least in part at the same time as these helmet types (e.g. Berkasovo, Biberwier, Der-el-Medineh; early Byzantine clasp helmets). 329031 II - € 5.000