A102 Kunst, Antiquitäten & Antiken

| 83 4122 gespaltenen Armen, umgeben von einem Kerbdraht, in der Mitte der Unterseite zulaufen. Außergewöhnlich komplizierte und präzise Goldschmiedearbeit aus frühbyzantinischer Zeit. Die Oberfläche insbesondere an exponierten Stellen mit Abrieb als Folge eines intensiven Gebrauchs des Schmuckstückes. Ansonsten ausgezeichnet erhalten und ohne Deformationen. Höhe 3 cm. Durchmesser unterhalb der Ringplatte 2,5 cm. Gewicht 15,54 g. Innendurchmesser Ring ca. 21 mm, entspricht einem Innenumfang von 66 mm, entspricht US 11,5. Selten schöner und schwerer Goldring von extravaganter Machart. Provenienz: Rheinische Privatsammlung, erworben in den späten 1980er Jahren aus der Sammlung W. B. (Niederrhein). A heavy, richly decorated early Byzantine gold ring with ruby cabochon, 6th - 7th century Hollow-worked, large and heavy gold ring made of thick sheet gold, decorated all over on the outside with numerous filigree and decorative elements soldered to the ground. The ring band, which is only 5.5 mm wide on the underside, widens to 24.5 mm towards the shoulder, which corresponds to the diameter of the ring plate. The inside is smooth. An 11.5 mm wide, domed ruby cabochon is framed on the ring plate. This set cabochon is concentrically surrounded from the inside to the outside by notched wire, a zone with carved decoration (cross-shaped bars on the surface enclose diamonds in the centre and triangles on the sides), rectangular gold wire in cross-section and a decorative band of two intertwined gold wires on the outside, the latter heavily worn in places due to intensive wear. On the shoulder of the ring, around the sides, the tongues of a ‚kymation‘ (decorative strip) with a central depression and granules in the angles between the rounded ends of the tongues. Below this, on the outer surfaces of the shoulder, a braided band of interwoven gold wires framed by horizontal notched wires. In the centre of each of these two outer surfaces of the ring shoulders is a cross with split arms within a notched wire circle. Below the crosses, a further kymation, again terminated at the bottom by a barbed wire. Below this, three tongues on each side of the ring shank, which taper towards the underside of the ring shank and converge towards a cross with split arms surrounded by a barbed wire in the centre of the underside. Exceptionally intricate and precise goldsmith‘s work from the early Byzantine period. The surface with abrasion, particularly in exposed areas, as a result of intensive use of this piece of jewellery. Otherwise in excellent condition and without deformations. Height 3 cm. Diameter below the ring plate 2.5 cm. Weight 15.54 g. Inner diameter of the ring approx. 21 mm, corresponds to an inner circumference of 66 mm, corresponds to US 11.5. A rare, beautiful and heavy gold ring of extravagant design. Provenance: Rhenish private collection, acquired during the late 1980s from the W. B. collection (Lower Rhine). 326218 I - € 11.000